Feb. 22, 2023David Maialetti / Philadelphia InquirerShapiro admin contends taking Super Bowl tickets from group that gets state money didn’t violate governor’s own gift banby Kate Huangpu of Spotlight PA and Stephen Caruso of Spotlight PAThe ban, enacted by Gov. Josh Shapiro, prevents him from taking pricey tickets from people or groups with “financial relations” with Pennsylvania.
Feb. 20, 2023Tom Gralish / Philadelphia InquirerThe Pa. House is coming back with a Democratic majority. Will it finally be able to move forward?by Stephen Caruso of Spotlight PAThe chamber will return this week to focus on providing legal relief to sexual abuse survivors, but leaders are still debating what permanent rules to govern the chamber should look like.
Feb. 16, 2023JAMES BLOCKER / Philadelphia InquirerTop gaming regulators in Pa. met with industry lobbyists before coming out against a casino competitorby Angela Couloumbis of Spotlight PAThe state Gaming Control Board, which previously took no position on the legality of skill games despite casino opposition, reversed course after their meeting with Parx Casino representatives.
Feb. 14, 2023Steven M. Falk / Philadelphia InquirerShapiro sat courtside at a Sixers game with a donor. His campaign called it a ‘political meeting.’by Stephen Caruso of Spotlight PAA spokesperson for Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro wouldn't say who paid for the pricey tickets, but said the expenses will be reported as an in-kind campaign contribution.
Feb. 13, 2023ELIZABETH ROBERTSON / Philadelphia Inquirer5 ways Pa.’s marijuana laws could change in 2023by Ed Mahon of Spotlight PAThe Pennsylvania legislature is considering everything from expanding who can get medical marijuana to full legalization. Here’s what you need to know.
Feb. 10, 2023Tom Gralish / Philadelphia InquirerTracking Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro’s biggest campaign promisesby Kate Huangpu of Spotlight PANew Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro made a lot of promises on the campaign trail. As Shapiro begins the work of governing, Spotlight PA is tracking his progress keeping them.
Feb. 9, 2023Amanda Berg / For Spotlight PACourt won’t force Pa. to release voter info for 2020 election inquiry. That doesn’t mean it’s over.by Carter Walker of VotebeatIt’s uncertain where the decision leaves the state Senate GOP’s 2020 election review, which has languished for much of the past year while the subpoena dispute has moved through the courts.
Feb. 9, 2023TIM TAI / Philadelphia InquirerShapiro, Pa. lawmakers may face multibillion-dollar budget question after major school funding rulingby Stephen Caruso of Spotlight PAA judge says Pennsylvania's school funding system so badly underfunds poor districts that it violates the state constitution, handing Gov. Josh Shapiro and the legislature a major challenge.
Feb. 7, 2023Jose F. Moreno / Philadelphia InquirerDemocrats sweep special elections, affirming first Pa. House majority in 12 yearsby Stephen Caruso of Spotlight PADemocrats have won three special elections for Pennsylvania’s state House, which means they officially control the chamber after a month-long impasse with Republicans.
Feb. 6, 2023Tyger WilliamsPa. House control will likely be decided by special elections this weekby Katie Meyer of Spotlight PAThe Pennsylvania state House has been unable to function for a month. Three special elections this week could end the standoff, though big questions remain.
Feb. 3, 2023ELIZABETH ROBERTSON / Philadelphia InquirerPennsylvanians were asked what they want to change about the state House. Their answer: less partisan deadlock.by Stephen Caruso of Spotlight PA and Kate Huangpu of Spotlight PAAs the Pennsylvania state House remains deadlocked, members of the public told Speaker Mark Rozzi they want more bipartisan cooperation, open primaries, and less reliance on constitutional amendments.
Jan. 31, 2023Amanda Berg / For Spotlight PAWATCH: ‘How Harrisburg Works’ explains Pennsylvania special electionsby Spotlight PA StaffSpotlight PA spoke with a state representative about how special elections work in Pennsylvania and why they matter.
Jan. 27, 2023Tom Gralish / Philadelphia InquirerLobbyist says she was harassed by current Pa. lawmaker, wants legislature to change misconduct rulesby Stephen Caruso of Spotlight PAA woman who works for one of Pennsylvania’s most prominent unions said a state lawmaker sexually harassed her, but internal rules prevented her from bringing a complaint.
Jan. 25, 2023House Democratic CaucusHopes of bipartisan cooperation give way to complete deadlock in the Pa. Houseby Stephen Caruso of Spotlight PAWith Pennsylvania's state House likely deadlocked until next month, Republicans argue, Democrats wait, and constitutional amendments languish.
Jan. 20, 2023Tom Gralish / Philadelphia InquirerPa. Gov. Josh Shapiro loosens his predecessor’s notoriously strict gift ban for top officialsby Stephen Caruso of Spotlight PA and Kate Huangpu of Spotlight PAGov. Tom Wolf’s gift ban barred officials from accepting even water bottles. New Pa. Gov. Josh Shapiro has announced new, more permissive rules.
Jan. 19, 2023Tom Gralish / Philadelphia InquirerPa. Gov. Josh Shapiro fills executive staff with loyal allies, political veteransby Katie Meyer of Spotlight PA and Kate Huangpu of Spotlight PAThe new governor’s top advisors will be instrumental in helping Shapiro deliver on campaign promises like raising the minimum wage and cracking down on illegal guns.
Jan. 18, 2023Tom Gralish / Philadelphia InquirerWho has Pa. Gov. Josh Shapiro nominated for his cabinet? (Full list)by Kate Huangpu of Spotlight PA and Katie Meyer of Spotlight PAThe proposed cabinet would assemble people from across the ideological spectrum who already have experience at top levels of government and public service.
Jan. 17, 2023Commonwealth Media ServicesDemocrat Josh Shapiro sworn in as Pennsylvania’s 48th governorby Kate Huangpu of Spotlight PA and Katie Meyer of Spotlight PAShapiro pledged to deliver on promises of growing the economy, decreasing gun violence, and ending the opioid epidemic.
Jan. 16, 2023Jessica Griffin / Philadelphia InquirerSecrecy has dominated Shapiro’s transition to Pa. governor. It may be a sign of what’s to come.by Angela Couloumbis of Spotlight PA and Kate Huangpu of Spotlight PAThe incoming Democratic governor had transition advisors sign NDAs, and isn’t sharing which private donors are paying for his inauguration.
Jan. 13, 2023Amanda Berg / For Spotlight PASpecial elections to fill Pa. House seats vacated by Democrats should be held Feb. 7, court rulesby Stephen Caruso of Spotlight PA and Carter Walker of VotebeatDemocrats and Republicans have been at odds in recent weeks over which party had the authority to schedule three special elections in the chamber.
Jan. 13, 2023Heather Khalifa / Philadelphia InquirerHow a constitutional amendment gets on the ballot in Pennsylvaniaby Kate Huangpu of Spotlight PAIt’s a lengthy process that requires passage in two legislative sessions and advertising by the Pennsylvania Department of State.
Jan. 12, 2023Tyger Williams / Philadelphia InquirerTom Wolf’s time as Pa. governor is almost over. Here’s what he’ll be remembered for.by Stephen Caruso of Spotlight PA and Katie Meyer of Spotlight PAHe leaves the commonwealth with a budget surplus and a number of far-reaching policy wins, including a major boost in public education spending.
Jan. 10, 2023Kent M. Wilhelm / Spotlight PAPa. House at a standstill as deadline nears to get relief for child sex abuse survivors on May ballotby Stephen Caruso of Spotlight PA and Katie Meyer of Spotlight PASpeaker Mark Rozzi sent lawmakers home Monday after Democratic and Republican leaders failed to reach an agreement on rules needed in order to advance any legislation.
Jan. 6, 2023Commonwealth Media ServicesWolf asks Pa. legislature to advance relief for child sex abuse survivors during special sessionby Stephen Caruso of Spotlight PANew Pennsylvania House Speaker Mark Rozzi said he would not consider any other legislation until a constitutional amendment opening a two-year window for civil lawsuits is considered.
Jan. 6, 2023House Democratic CaucusThe behind-the-scenes story of Mark Rozzi’s surprising rise to Pa. House speakerby Stephen Caruso of Spotlight PA and Katie Meyer of Spotlight PARepublicans were the primary engineers behind the Berks County Democrat’s candidacy and announcement — and even wrote his acceptance speech.
Jan. 6, 2023MICHAEL BRYANT / Philadelphia InquirerWhat Mark Rozzi’s record can tell us about what kind of Pa. House speaker he’ll beby Angela Couloumbis of Spotlight PA and Stephen Caruso of Spotlight PARozzi’s decade-long legislative career has been defined by his advocacy for survivors of childhood sexual abuse. Few know what to expect from his surprise tenure as speaker.
Jan. 5, 2023CHARLES FOX / Philadelphia InquirerGov.-elect Josh Shapiro taps Trump target Al Schmidt to be Pa.’s top election officialby Carter Walker of VotebeatThe Republican Philadelphia city commissioner famously stood up to former President Donald Trump’s claims of election fraud in 2020 while receiving death threats.
Jan. 5, 2023JOSE F. MORENO / Philadelphia InquirerWill a surprise speaker pick make the Pennsylvania House less partisan?by Kate Huangpu of Spotlight PA and Stephen Caruso of Spotlight PASome are hopeful the chamber will finally pass rule changes aimed at giving all lawmakers a say in making policy, but there’s reason to be skeptical.
Jan. 4, 2023House Democratic CaucusMark Rozzi is the new speaker of the Pennsylvania House. Here’s what you need to know.by Spotlight PA StaffDemocrats in the Pennsylvania House were joined by a handful of Republicans to pick Berks County’s Mark Rozzi to be speaker.
Jan. 3, 2023House Democratic CaucusDemocrats and a handful of Republicans picked the Pennsylvania House’s new speakerby Stephen Caruso of Spotlight PA, Kate Huangpu of Spotlight PA and Katie Meyer of Spotlight PADemocrats won 102 seats in the 203-member chamber during the November midterm election, but three vacancies led to a battle for control and ultimately a compromise pick.