Sept. 9, 2022TOM GRALISH / Philadelphia InquirerHow Harrisburg Works: The rules for Pa. lawmaker per diems, speaker v. leader, and other Q&Asby Stephen Caruso of Spotlight PASpotlight PA’s Stephen Caruso wants to help you understand how the sausage really gets made, how your tax dollars are spent, and how Harrisburg works (or doesn’t).
Sept. 5, 2022Amanda Berg / For Spotlight PAPa. lawmakers spent at least $3 million on private lawyers, experts during redistricting battle, invoices showby Kate Huangpu of Spotlight PAThe new districts have the potential to change the balance of power in both Harrisburg and Washington, so it’s not surprising that legal action played a major role during the process.
Sept. 1, 2022Commonwealth Media ServicesThousands of Pa. nursing home workers may strike despite $600M for care in state budgetby Stephen Caruso of Spotlight PAWorkers for two for-profit companies fear the bulk of the money won’t be used to alleviate longer working hours, expanded job responsibilities, and even food rationing for residents.
Aug. 29, 2022TOM GRALISH / Philadelphia InquirerPa.’s unreliable lobbyist disclosure website is getting a user-friendly upgradeby Kate Huangpu of Spotlight PAMore than 15 line items received a more than 100% boost in this year’s budget, including an upgrade to a website for lobbyists that has reportedly resulted in inaccurate disciplinary action.
Aug. 17, 2022TOM GRALISH / Philadelphia InquirerPa. lawmakers are set to get huge raises next year. They can return them, but almost nobody Stephen Caruso of Spotlight PAInflation is pushing the Pa. legislature’s annual cost-of-living adjustments even higher, with base salaries expected to exceed $100,000 in 2023.
Aug. 16, 2022DAVID MAIALETTI / Philadelphia InquirerPa. lawmakers weigh bill that would allow independents to vote on primary candidatesby Kate Huangpu of Spotlight PAPennsylvania has closed primary elections, meaning only registered Democrats and Republicans can vote for candidates from those parties and choose who will advance to the general.
Aug. 5, 2022TYGER WILLIAMS / Philadelphia InquirerCritics call water quality bill moving through Pa. legislature a back door to privatizationby Stephen Caruso of Spotlight PAThe bill requires some public water systems to create an asset management plan, a mandate that municipal leaders and environmental groups called a solution in search of a problem.
July 28, 2022ALEJANDRO A. ALVAREZ / Philadelphia InquirerWolf sues GOP-led legislature to block abortion, voter ID questions from reaching Pa. ballot boxby Angela Couloumbis of Spotlight PAThe Democratic governor is claiming legislative Republicans unconstitutionally lumped together five pieces of their “failed” agenda into a package of proposed amendments.
July 25, 2022TIM TAI / Philadelphia InquirerWolf quietly steers $40 million to Pitt, Pa.’s other state-related universitiesby Stephen Caruso of Spotlight PAThe move follows opponents of abortion access in the state House unsuccessfully attempting to block funding for the schools over Pitt’s research using fetal tissue.
July 22, 2022Jelani Splawn / For Spotlight PAPa.’s unemployment trust fund is broke. The Wolf admin says a long-term fix will save taxpayers Colin Deppen of Spotlight PAThe state’s new budget pays off $42 million in debt, but backers say a bigger policy change is needed to prepare the system for future downturns.
July 18, 2022Tim Tai / Philadelphia InquirerNew Pa. budget injects $125M into private school tax credit program that lacks basic accountabilityby Angela Couloumbis of Spotlight PAA lack of transparency baked into state law makes it impossible to determine whether the program is actually improving outcomes for students who receive tuition assistance.
July 12, 2022THOMAS HENGGE / Philadelphia InquirerPennsylvania has a new child care tax credit. Here’s what you need to Kate Huangpu of Spotlight PAPeople who care for two or more dependents will be able to claim up to $6,000 in child care expenses starting next year.
July 8, 2022Matt Smith / For Spotlight PAPa. lawmakers agreed to a big election funding deal — with strings attachedby Stephen Caruso of Spotlight PA and Jonathan Lai of The InquirerCounty elections officials have mixed reactions to the legislation, which creates grants but doesn't allow counties to get the jump on counting mail ballots — an ongoing priority.
July 8, 2022Matt Smith / For Spotlight PAHere’s how Pennsylvania plans to spend its billions in federal stimulus money (full list)by Kate Huangpu of Spotlight PA and Stephen Caruso of Spotlight PAHome repairs, property tax relief for seniors, and state park repairs are among 20 programs that will be funded with the one-time stimulus money.
July 8, 2022TOM GRALISH / Philadelphia InquirerPa. lawmakers agree to boost education funding, spend billions in remaining stimulus money as part of budgetby Stephen Caruso of Spotlight PA and Kate Huangpu of Spotlight PAThe wide-reaching budget, completed a week after the June 30 deadline, was made possible by higher-than-expected revenues that led to a multi-billion dollar surplus.
July 8, 2022HEATHER KHALIFA / Philadelphia InquirerPennsylvania legislature seeks to declare state constitution provides no right to an abortionby Stephen Caruso of Spotlight PALegislative Republicans advanced five significant constitutional amendments, including stricter voter ID and enhanced powers for the General Assembly.
July 8, 2022Amanda Berg / For Spotlight PAWhat is the independent state legislature doctrine, and why does it matter for Pa.?by Ethan Edward Coston of Spotlight PAAt least four U.S. Supreme Court justices have signaled support for an extreme legal doctrine that would give state legislatures unchecked power over elections and political maps.
July 1, 2022TOM GRALISH / Philadelphia InquirerPennsylvania’s state budget is officially late. Here’s what you need to Stephen Caruso of Spotlight PA and Kate Huangpu of Spotlight PATalks have been difficult this year due to differing priorities among Gov. Tom Wolf and Republican leaders, as well as emboldened conservative rank-and-file dissidents.
June 29, 2022TIM TAI / Philadelphia InquirerPa. House Republicans want to block state funding for the University of Pittsburgh over fetal tissue researchby Stephen Caruso of Spotlight PAThe proposed ban complicates budget negotiations as GOP lawmakers and Democratic Gov. Tom Wolf try to complete the process before the June 30 deadline.
June 24, 2022ALEJANDRO A. ALVAREZ / Philadelphia InquirerDecision to overturn Roe v. Wade won’t have immediate impact on abortion access in Pennsylvaniaby Stephen Caruso of Spotlight PA and Danielle Ohl of Spotlight PADemocratic Gov. Tom Wolf has vowed to veto any efforts to further curtail access to the procedure, but the decision further raises the stakes in the tight governor's race in Pennsylvania.
June 17, 2022TOM GRALISH / Philadelphia InquirerPa. House eyes expanding who can bring sexual misconduct complaints against lawmakersby Stephen Caruso of Spotlight PAPa. House lawmakers can be punished for alleged sexual misconduct against chamber employees, but current rules leave many people, including administration officials and lobbyists, unprotected.
June 16, 2022TOM GRALISH / Philadelphia InquirerThe bipartisan push to cut corporate taxes in Pennsylvania, explainedby Jaxon White for Spotlight PAPennsylvania levies a 9.99% tax on corporate net income, the second-highest rate in the country.
June 14, 2022Jelani Splawn / For Spotlight PAPa. is considering a ban on trans athletes. Experts say it’s discriminatory and ‘anti-evidence.’by Ethan Edward Coston of Spotlight PAPennsylvania legislation that would ban transgender student-athletes from participating on teams corresponding with their gender lean on shoddy science and discriminatory ideas.
June 13, 2022Tom Gralish / Philadelphia InquirerFacing pressure from Democrats, Pa. panel avoids considering gun bills in wake of mass shootingsby Stephen Caruso of Spotlight PABy sending a slate of firearms-related bills to another committee, a GOP-controlled panel threw cold water on an effort to force a vote on the legislation.
June 13, 2022Commonwealth Media ServicesUnregulated hemp derivative delta-8 thrives in Pa.’s thorny marijuana landscapeby Christina Baker for Spotlight PADespite its hazy legal status, delta-8 is not subject to any regulations or mandatory testing in Pennsylvania, and its packaging isn’t required to note potential side effects.
June 9, 2022Amanda Berg / For Spotlight PAPa. lawmaker wants more state control over millions in outside spending on federal electionsby Jaxon White for Spotlight PAThe push for more local control is likely to face an uphill battle with fellow legislators, as Pennsylvania has some of the laxest state campaign finance rules in the country.
June 8, 2022TOM GRALISH / Philadelphia InquirerPennsylvania is sitting on billions in stimulus money. Lawmakers may actually agree on a plan to spend some of Stephen Caruso of Spotlight PAWith the June 30 deadline to pass a budget approaching, Republican lawmakers who had previously shunned additional spending seem to be warming to the idea.
June 1, 2022Kent M. Wilhelm / For Spotlight PAPennsylvania’s highest court could give cities the go-ahead to craft their own gun lawsby Angela Couloumbis of Spotlight PA and Stephen Caruso of Spotlight PAThe Republican-led General Assembly is unlikely to consider restricting gun access despite the recent massacre of nearly 20 children in Texas.
May 31, 2022Tom Gralish / Philadelphia InquirerGift ban, other good-government changes stall in Pa. despite promises from leadershipby Christina Baker for Spotlight PAGood-government advocates argue that the legislature, swayed by donors and leadership, lacks the political will to rid itself of the perks of being in elected office.
May 27, 2022MICHAEL BRYANT / Philadelphia InquirerHigh-profile GOP primary losses could make passing Pa.’s next budget painfulby Stephen Caruso of Spotlight PACapitol insiders believe the poor primary performances of Harrisburg’s top budget negotiators could inspire frustrated Republicans to revolt during budget season.