Our world is changing fast, and we need journalists in Pennsylvania who can keep up. We only have 4 days left to raise $6,500 and ensure Spotlight PA’s unmatched reporting can continue. As a special bonus, all gifts will be DOUBLED.
We’re independent, with no corporate owner or profit motives. We’re nonpartisan, with no political agenda or opinion pieces. And we’re a nonprofit, allowing us to prioritize investigative and public-service journalism that gets results.
If you’re looking for a meaningful way to make a difference in these uncertain times, I can’t think of a better investment than Spotlight PA’s truthful, accurate, trusted reporting for Pennsylvania — journalism that gets real results.
Your support of any amount will ensure our vital work can continue.
Hurry! This DOUBLE match expires at 11:59 p.m. Saturday.
— Christopher Baxter, CEO/President
PS: If you prefer to mail a check, you can send it to:
Spotlight PA, PO Box 11728, Harrisburg, PA 17108-1728