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Getting Results for PA

At Spotlight PA, we seek to positively impact the future of Pennsylvania through unfettered public access to nonpartisan investigative and public-service journalism that informs, equips, and empowers people in all parts of the state to individually and collectively drive change.

In short, we measure our success by the results we’re getting for you.

If you live in Pennsylvania, you gotta have Spotlight PA.

John C., Spotlight PA member

How We Track Impact

We look at impact across a broad spectrum of indicators to assess how our journalism is affecting and benefitting Pennsylvania. Our work often prompts significant change, such as policy changes or new legislation, but its importance extends much further. Whether it’s sparking further discussion, garnering additional media coverage, spurring action by advocacy groups, prompting individual readers to get involved, and more, we track and record all of it.

Policies Changed
Bills Introduced
Legal Victories
Journalism that
Gets Results
Reader Tips
Spotlight PA's investigative and public-service journalism changes laws and lives. Our reporting drives government accountability and transparency at all levels, provides an independent check on power and influence, and has saved Pennsylvania taxpayers millions of dollars.
Right to Know Requests


National Awards

LION Local Journalism Awards: Collaboration of the Year

For an investigation in collaboration with the Centre Daily Times into Penn State University’s misconduct reporting systems.

ONA Online Journalism Awards: Excellence in Newsletters, PA Local

Five entries from PA Local: Touching grass with Pa.'s renaissance woodsman; Century-old fire crew's first all-female attack line; 'Trans Heaven' on the Delaware River; This ain't Texas: Meet PA's Black country artists; Cats, cannons collide at feline-themed war museum

INN Nonprofit News Awards: Community Champion Award (Medium division)

State College regional bureau

INN Nonprofit News Awards: Game-Changer Award (Large Division)

For Spotlight PA’s redistricting coverage.

INN Nonprofit News Awards: Best Investigative Journalism Award (Large Division)

For “A Hidden Error,” an investigation that compelled the Department of Labor and Industry to admit it overcharged thousands of people millions of dollars in unemployment interest payments.

National Headliner Awards: Education Writing

For “Rich School, Poor Students,” Spotlight PA’s investigation with the Inquirer and ProPublica on oversight and operations at the Milton Hershey School.

INN Nonprofit News Awards: Best Investigative Journalism Award (Large Division)

For “Fundamental Flaws,” an investigation into Pennsylvania’s flawed oversight of addiction treatment facilities produced in partnership with Kaiser Health News.

National Finalists

National Headliner Awards: Education Writing

For Spotlight PA’s coverage of Penn State University.

ONA Online Journalism Awards: Feature Story

For “Richest Little City,” an investigation into how the manager of a small Pennsylvania city landed at the center of one of the most sweeping political corruption cases in the state in recent years.

INN Nonprofit News Awards: INNovator Award

"Your Next AG” tool

Investigative Reporters and Editors: Freedom of Information Award

For a year-long investigation into Pennsylvania’s medical marijuana program.

Public Media Journalists Association: Collaborative Effort

For a Spotlight PA and WESA collaboration to track the state’s spending of opioid settlement money.

INN Nonprofit News Awards: Nonprofit Newcomer of the Year

Sarah Rafacz, State College Editor

ONA Online Journalism Awards: Feature (Small Newsroom)

“Broken Borough,” a story about the controversy generated when the town of Tioga hired the police officer that killed Tamir Rice

LION Local Journalism Awards: Product of the Year Award

For “One Vote, Two Pennsylvanias,” Spotlight PA’s 2022 gubernatorial race coverage

INN Nonprofit News Awards: INNovatorAward (Medium Division)

For “One Vote, Two Pennsylvanias,” Spotlight PA’s unique, voter-first reporting on the 2022 gubernatorial election.

INN Nonprofit News Awards: Breaking Barriers Award (Medium Division)

For “A Criminal Solution,” a series with The Pittsburgh Institute for Nonprofit Journalism about how Pennsylvania jails trap those suffering with mental illness.

LION Local Journalism Awards: Outstanding Coverage Award

For Spotlight PA’s coverage of Pennsylvania’s medical marijuana industry.

National Headliner Awards: Best Political Coverage

For Spotlight PA’s coverage of money and influence in Pennsylvania.

National Headliner Awards: Online Investigative Reporting

For “Cannabis Card Game,” a Spotlight PA investigation into Pennsylvania’s medical marijuana program.

Awards for Excellence in Health Care Journalism: Health Policy

For “Unimpaired, Unemployed,” a Spotlight PA investigation into how workers with valid medical marijuana cards have faced backlash at work.

INN Nonprofit News Awards: Emerging Leader of the Year

Christopher Baxter, Executive Director, Spotlight PA

INN Nonprofit News Awards: Best Investigative Journalism Award (Large Division)

For “Privileged Information,” an investigative series with The Caucus on the legislature's spending of taxpayer dollars.

ONA Online Journalism Awards: Innovation in Investigative Journalism Award (Small Newsroom)

For “Turned Away,” an investigative series on the intersection of medical marijuana policy and drug addiction treatment.

ONA Online Journalism Awards: Feature (Small Newsroom)

For “Turned Away,” an investigative series on the intersection of medical marijuana policy and drug addiction treatment.

ONA Online Journalism Awards: Al Neuharth Innovation in Investigative Journalism Award

The Hidden Tab, Spotlight PA, The Caucus

National Headliner Awards: Local news beat coverage or continuing story not in top 20 media market

For "Locked Out" (stories published in 2020), our coverage of evictions during the pandemic.

ONA Online Journalism Awards: General Excellence in Online Journalism

For overall excellence in online journalism at Spotlight PA.

Toner Prize: Excellence in Local Political Reporting

For “Big Spending, Little Accountability,” a collaborative investigation with The Caucus into how Pennsylvania lawmakers obscured millions in campaign spending.

State Awards

Press Club of Western Pennsylvania, Golden Quill Awards: Excellence in Written Journalism, Business/Technology/Consumer

“Several Pa. Pension Systems Kept Working With Financial Adviser After SEC Settlement,” Ed Mahon, Spotlight PA

Pa. NewsMedia Association, Keystone Media Awards: Public Service Award

For “Why Judges Matter,” encompassing dozens of stories, including candidate guides, explainers of how the courts and judges work, virtual events, extensive Spanish translations, and an interactive online tool showing how court decisions shape important policy matters from abortion to gun rights.

Pa. NewsMedia Association, Keystone Media Awards: John V.R. Bull First Amendment Award

For “Richest Little City,” an investigation into how the manager of a small Pennsylvania city landed at the center of one of the most sweeping political corruption cases in the state in recent years.

Pa. NewsMedia Association, Keystone Media Awards: Personality Profile

For “Richest Little City,” an investigation into how the manager of a small Pennsylvania city landed at the center of one of the most sweeping political corruption cases in the state in recent years.

Press Club of Western Pennsylvania, Golden Quill Awards: Excellence in Written Journalism, News Feature

Richest Little City

Press Club of Western Pennsylvania, Golden Quill Awards: Excellence in Written Journalism, Education

Missed Conduct

Press Club of Western Pennsylvania, Golden Quill Awards: Excellence in Written Journalism, Public Affairs/Politics/Government – Division 2

“Why State College’s Anti-gambling Movement Failed to Stop the Nittany Mall Casino,” Lilly Riddle, News Lab at Penn State in partnership with Spotlight PA

Pa. NewsMedia Association, Keystone Media Awards: News Feature Story

For “Broken 'compassionate release' rules strand Pa.'s sickest prisoners as costs to taxpayers soar,” a story about aging prisoners in Pa. and how few successfully petition for release.

Pa. NewsMedia Association, Keystone Media Awards: Business or Consumer Story

For “Draft bills and late‐night emails reveal cozy ties between Pa. state lawmaker, casino lobbyists,” about the drama surrounding unregulated “skill games” that generate millions in untaxed revenue.

Pennsylvania Bar Association Media Awards: Newspapers

For “Unimpaired, Unemployed,” an investigation into the vague legal safeguards for medical marijuana users in Pennsylvania, which create confusion and force workers to choose between their job and a doctor-approved drug.

Pa. NewsMedia Association, Keystone Media Awards: Sports Enterprise

For “Why these Pa. teams got left out of the minor league baseball union,” an examination of unionization in the minor leagues in Pennsylvania.

Pa. NewsMedia Association, Keystone Media Awards: Public Service Award

For “One Vote, Two Pennsylvanias,” Spotlight PA’s 2022 gubernatorial race coverage.

Society of Professional Journalists’ Keystone Pro Chapter: Education Writing

For Spotlight PA’s coverage of Penn State University.

Society of Professional Journalists Keystone Pro Chapter: Business & labor reporting, daily or non-daily

For "The Disconnect", our series on rural broadband and a Pa. law that makes it harder for local governments to build their own networks

Pa. NewsMedia Association, Keystone Media Awards: John V.R. Bull First Amendment Award

For collaborative investigative reporting with The Philadelphia Inquirer on the troubles facing the Public School Employees’ Retirement System.

Pa. NewsMedia Association, Keystone Media Awards: Public Service Award

For Spotlight PA’s redistricting coverage.

Pa. NewsMedia Association, Keystone Media Awards: Lenfest Institute Emerging Journalist Award

Kate Huangpu, redistricting reporter, Spotlight PA

Society of Professional Journalists, state chapter: Best Web Use

For Spotlight PA’s interactive map comparison tool, which allowed readers to search their address to see how their political districts would change under the newly drawn maps.

Pennsylvania Bar Association Media Awards: PBA Media Awards Newspapers: 30,000 or More Circulation

For "The Ad Block," our coverage of Pennsylvania's medical marijuana industry

Society of Professional Journalists Keystone Pro Chapter: Environmental Reporting-Daily

For “At Risk, In the Dark,” an investigation into how secrecy and a patchwork of emergency plans around the Mariner East pipelines have left many communities in the dark about what to do in case of an accident

Society of Professional Journalists Keystone Pro Chapter: Business & Labor Reporting

For “Decided in Secret,” an accountability series examining the state's granting of coronavirus business waivers — allowing some to reopen, and forcing others to remain closed — in total secrecy.

Society of Professional Journalists Keystone Pro Chapter: Education Writing-Daily

For “Condemn, Discuss, Repeat,” an investigation into how Pennsylvania’s higher education system fails students of color.

Pa. NewsMedia Association, Keystone Media Awards: Public Service Award

For Spotlight PA’s Diverse Source Database, a publicly accessible database of Pennsylvania-based experts of color, which aims to ensure that Pennsylvania’s local and statewide news coverage is more equitable and better reflects the communities we serve

Pa. NewsMedia Association, Keystone Media Awards: Reader Initiative Award

For Spotlight PA’s COVID email alerts, which provided Pennsylvanians with essential, county-by-county data during the height of the coronavirus pandemic.

Pa. NewsMedia Association, Keystone Media Awards: Graphic/Photo Illustration

For an interactive map produced as part of “At Risk, In the Dark,” an investigation into emergency preparedness along the Mariner East pipelines.

Pa. NewsMedia Association, Keystone Media Awards: John V.R. Bull First Amendment Award

For “Big Spending, Little Accountability,” a Spotlight PA collaborative investigation with The Caucus into how Pennsylvania lawmakers obscured millions in campaign spending.

State Finalists

Press Club of Western Pennsylvania, Golden Quill Awards: Excellence in Written Journalism, Enterprise/Investigative

Waiting Game

Press Club of Western Pennsylvania, Golden Quill Awards: Excellence in Collaboration

“A Criminal Solution”; Brittany Hailer, Pittsburgh Institute for Nonprofit Journalism; Danielle Ohl, Sarah Hutchins and Matt Dempsey, Spotlight PA; Spotlight PA and Pittsburgh Institute for Nonprofit Journalism

Press Club of Western Pennsylvania, Golden Quill Awards: Excellence in Journalistic Craft Achievement, Digital Presentation

Broken Code, with Votebeat

Press Club of Western Pennsylvania, Golden Quill Awards: Excellence in Written Journalism, Sports

“The PA Women Who Broke Hockey’s Glass Ceiling,” Tanisha Thomas, Spotlight PA

Press Club of Western Pennsylvania, Golden Quill Awards: Excellence in Written Journalism, Public Affairs/Politics/Government – Division 1

“Shapiro Secrecy”; Angela Couloumbis, Stephen Caruso, Katie Meyer and Kate Huangpu; Spotlight PA

Press Club of Western Pennsylvania, Golden Quill Awards: Excellence in Audio Journalism, Medical/Health

“Pennsylvania's Opioid Settlement Money”; Kate Giammarise and Sarah Boden, WESA; Ed Mahon, Spotlight PA

Press Club of Western Pennsylvania, Golden Quill Awards: Excellence in Written Journalism, Medical/Health – Division 1

“Opioid Settlement Money”; Ed Mahon, Spotlight PA; Kate Giammarise and Sarah Boden, WESA

Pennsylvania Bar Association Media Awards: Radio and Podcasts

For "Pennsylvania's Opioid Settlement Money series" in collaboration with WESA

Pa. NewsMedia Association, Keystone Media Awards: Investigative Reporting

For "the Waiting Game," our series on PA homeowners difficulties accessing mortgage relief funds

Pa. NewsMedia Association, Keystone Media Awards: Ongoing News Coverage

For "Tracking the Opioid Settlement"

Pa. NewsMedia Association, Keystone Media Awards: News Feature Story

For "High Anxiety," investigating how anxiety disorder became a common diagnosis for medical cannabis

Pa. NewsMedia Association, Keystone Media Awards: Best Series (radio)

For "Pennsylvania's Opioid Settlement Money series" in collaboration with WESA

Pa. NewsMedia Association, Keystone Media Awards: News Beat Reporting

For “A Criminal Solution,” an investigation into how Pennsylvania laws designed to help people with mental illnesses often end up trapping them in jail.

Pa. NewsMedia Association, Keystone Media Awards: Ongoing News Coverage

For Spotlight PA’s criminal justice reporting.

Pa. NewsMedia Association, Keystone Media Awards: Business or Consumer Story

For “Rare disciplinary case against Pa. doctor offers glimpse into the big business of medical marijuana cards,” an examination of the state’s medical marijuana program and the lack of oversight and enforcement.

Pa. NewsMedia Association, Keystone Media Awards: News Feature Story

For Spotlight PA’s coverage of redistricting in Pennsylvania following the 2020 census.

Pennsylvania Bar Association Media Awards: Newspapers: 30,000+ Circulation

For “A Criminal Solution,” a series with The Pittsburgh Institute for Nonprofit Journalism about how Pennsylvania jails trap those suffering with mental illness.

Pa. NewsMedia Association, Keystone Media Awards: Investigative Reporting

For “Fundamental Flaws,” a collaborative investigation with Kaiser Health News into Pennsylvania’s poor oversight of addiction treatment facilities.

Pa. NewsMedia Association, Keystone Media Awards: News Beat Reporting

For “Locked Out,” ongoing eviction coverage stemming from the pandemic

Pa. NewsMedia Association, Keystone Media Awards: Enterprise Reporting

For “The Final Moments,” a collaborative investigation with NBC News revealing the final seconds before Christian Hall was shot and killed by State Police.

Pa. NewsMedia Association, Keystone Media Awards: News Feature Story

For “Crisis of Care,” a collaborative analysis with PublicSource of Pennsylvania’s poor preparation for a coming swell in demand for dementia care.

Society of Professional Journalists, state chapter: Spotlight Award

For “The Hidden Tab,” a collaborative, year-long investigation with The Caucus into how lawmakers spend millions of tax dollars on themselves.

Pa. NewsMedia Association, Keystone Media Awards: Graphic/Photo Illustration

For a collection of illustrations by Spotlight PA freelancer Leise Hook.

Pa. NewsMedia Association, Keystone Media Awards: Ongoing News Coverage

Decided in Secret

Pa. NewsMedia Association, Keystone Media Awards: News Feature Story

A changing story by police on a rural Pa. shooting helped fuel white vigilantes and misinformation

Society of Professional Journalists Keystone Pro Chapter: Web Use Daily

For “At Risk, In the Dark,” an investigation into how secrecy and a patchwork of emergency plans around the Mariner East pipelines have left many communities in the dark about what to do in case of an accident

Society of Professional Journalists Keystone Pro Chapter: Health and Medical Reporting

For “Cut, Now Crucial,” about contact tracing in Pennsylvania.

Society of Professional Journalists Keystone Pro Chapter: Spotlight Award

For a collaboration with PennLive, “Short Days, Big Benefits,” about magisterial judges